Have you found a diet that has worked for you and kept the weight off let us know info@bigmatters.co.uk 

A lifetime of trying different weight loss diets is a familiar story for so many.

There can be some amazing success stories but also many will relate to the frustation of losing the weight and then it goes back on and more. How do you choose between the myriad of diets out there ?

Carb free, fat free, liquid only it can be very confusing and one of the main thing to consider is what will work for you and your lifestyle. In the long term a balanced diet is something you need to adopt for life if you want the weight to stay off for good.

Diet group weekly meetings can be a great motivator as you can share experiences with others and the thought of the weekly weigh in can help to keep you on track but with the internet there are online options and support and so many more choices.

If you want health and fitness advice from our consultant Sonia or a little motivation - don't forget to send your questions to her on fitness@bigmatters.co.uk

There are plenty of options out there - let us know how you get on as feedback is great for others. So make today the first day of your LAST diet . This time you WILL succeed for LIFE.




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All content within Big Matters website is provided for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of your own doctor or any other health care professional. Big Matters Ltd is not liable for the contents of any external internet sites listed, nor does it endorse any individual, including all independant consultants on this site, any commercial product or service mentioned or advised any of the sites including nutritional information supplied herein. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider if you have any questions regarding a medical condition, your diet or before embarking on any exercise program or if you're in any way concerned about your health. Under no circumstances shall Big Matters be liable for any loss, damage or harm caused by a User's reliance on information obtained through this site. It is the responsibility of a User to evaluate the information, opinion, advice or other Content available on Big Matters website.Jessica Villa, Leigh Brandon & Richard Krijgsman are all independant consultants.
